Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: March 27, 2020
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: March 27, 2020
Match the phrase to the person who said it on the Stern Show this week and see just how true of a fan you are!
March 26, 2020
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1. “I’m sitting on the toilet reverse-cowboy style, as they say in porn.” _______ describing where they were sitting at home while on the Stern Show this week
Jimmy Kimmel
Alec Baldwin
Ronnie Mund
Sal Governale
2. “I don’t even know how to turn on the washing machine. How would I do laundry? I mean I’m an invalid in that way.” _______ explaining why they still really need to have a cleaning person come to their house
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Fred Norris
Ronnie Mund
3. “This entire fucking house is a preschool. Every room has arrows and swords and ray guns and soccer balls and baskets filled with dinosaurs and car parts and rocket ships.” _______ describing the current state of their home due to the quarantine
Jimmy Kimmel
Alec Baldwin
Richard Christy
Will Murray
4. “And then she assigned me to clean the toilets in the house. I got to do the shittiest job there was.” _______ on the chore his wife gave him after offering to help around the house
Howard Stern
JD Harmeyer
Shuli Egar
Gary Dell’Abate
5. “I’m looking into getting that dry food … I can actually enjoy it. I’ve always loved institutional food.” _______ on stockpiling food in anticipation of a long period of COVID-19-related isolation
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Dr. David Agus
Richard Christy
6. “I’ve prepared every meal—breakfast, lunch, and dinner—for the family.” _______ on one of their responsibilities while being quarantined during the coronavirus pandemic
Jimmy Kimmel
Alec Baldwin
Fred Norris
Jon Hein
7. “The elevator has become one of the most difficult parts of my life. When the elevator’s going down and I see it’s going to stop on a floor, I move to the front, I put the dog there, I try to discourage people from getting on.” _______ explaining the challenges of living in an apartment building during this time
Howard Stern
Alec Baldwin
Fred Norris
Jon Hein
8. “I was saying that I’m using it as a barometer of trying to watch how bad the market is, but I was not complaining about the loss. That’s just Jason being catty.” _______ explaining why he was talking about the state of his investments to members of the staff
Gary Dell’Abate
Jon Hein
JD Harmeyer
Sal Governale
9. “I do get up and I walk the dog like three or four times a day. That’s my exercise, plus I do go to the door to get the deliveries when they come.” _______ on their current fitness regimen
Gary Dell’Abate
JD Harmeyer
Jon Hein
Jason Kaplan