Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: March 9, 2018
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: March 9, 2018
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings from the week
Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It?” quiz and match the phrase to the individual who said it to determine just how attentive a Howard fan you really are!
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1. “You sort of feel dumb after a while … there’s too many famous people there.” _______ on attending this year’s Vanity Fair Oscars Party
Howard Stern
David Spade
Robin Quivers
Mr. Skin
2. “He pulled me aside and said, ‘Hey … go look up some articles on working memory.’ And I did. And a lot of academia puts a lot of stock in working memory … that’s really the important part.” _______ on a conversation he had with Dr. Drew following this week’s I.Q. test results
Memet Walker
Brent Hatley
Jason Kaplan
Richard Christy
3. “There was a very, very small audience but with mostly Howard fans … we had to follow the rules, they were gonna kick us out.” _______ on being well-behaved while attending the taping of Howard’s interview with David Letterman
Mariann From Brooklyn
High Pitch Erik
Tan Mom
4. “Everyone that works for me works hard, not just my family, but all the people.” _______ on employing a few of his relatives, including his own mother
Howard Stern
David Spade
Mr. Skin
King of All Blacks
5. “I feel like I owe you an apology … because I was saying, you know, I didn’t trust you.” _______ while making a tearful apology to Howard
Robin Quivers
Sal Governale
Benjy Bronk
Memet Walker
6. “She’s like a tough street chick … I saw her out.” _______ on meeting and taking a selfie with the “Cash Me Outside” girl
David Spade
JD Harmeyer
Ronnie Mund
Steve Nowicki
7. “Normally I use the whole hand to wipe and I could only use my thumb and forefinger.” _______ explaining how hard it is to use the bathroom since coming down with a case of gout in his right hand
Jeff the Drunk
JD Harmeyer
Richard Christy
Benjy Bronk
8. “I was out in Los Angeles. I was attending the 80th birthday party of a very dear friend. We thought we were at a party [but] it was a wedding.” _______ on attending their buddy Larry’s surprise wedding ceremony
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
David Spade
Gary Dell’Abate
9. “When I wear sweatpants with a wallet it pulls my pants down … I can slip this into everything.” _______ explaining to Howard why they carry their money in a plastic bag
JD Harmeyer
Shuli Egar
Wendy the Slow Adult
Benjy Bronk