Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: November 10, 2017
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: November 10, 2017
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings from the week
Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It?” quiz and match the phrase to the individual who said it to determine just how attentive a Howard Fan you really are!
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1. “Every step counts … Sometimes even while I’m driving—you know, I’ve got a two-hour drive back and forth—I’ll stop and walk.” _______ on how they hit their goal of 15,000 steps per day
Rosie O’Donnell
Jon Bernthal
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
2. “I did during this morning meeting that we have. I waited until then and that was it.” _______ explaining why he didn’t tell his coworkers about the birth of Richard Christy’s baby.
Sal Governale
JD Harmeyer
Gary Dell’Abate
Ronnie Mund
3. “This is a government-owned house where they’re doing some type of testing or cloning.” _______ describing a home in their neighborhood during a recent Embedded special
Lenny Dykstra
Tan Mom
4. “Last night I got a call from Domino’s Pizza at midnight … I told the driver take it back.” _______ after refusing a late-night pizza delivery
Wendy the Slow Adult
High Pitch Erik
Jeff the Drunk
Medicated Pete
5. “There’s an anti-heavy metal bias going on.” _______ on being upset with Gary and Jon Hein for not giving Judas Priest a vote on their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ballots
Howard Stern
Brent Hatley
Richard Christy
Sal Governale
6. “It’s the first time I have dated someone younger than me and it’s a very trippy thing.” _______ on falling in love with someone 22 years their junior
Rosie O’Donnell
Robin Quivers
Ronnie Mund
Lenny Dykstra
7. “I met somebody and I’m not sure if I should make a chicken or should I wait … Should I make chicken soup?” _______ asking Howard for relationship advice while sharing their euphemism for sex
Tan Mom
High Pitch Erik
Benjy Bronk
8. “Look at my ears. Look at these fucking things … they’re fucking huge.” _______ showing Howard their earlobes which a doctor once offered to reduce in size
Rosie O’Donnell
Jon Bernthal
Gary Dell’Abate
Fred Norris
9. “I didn’t wait all day … it was cold and rainy … I was there when I had to be there.” _______ on not standing on the sideline to watch his significant other run the New York City Marathon
Jason Kaplan
Jon Hein
Will Murray
JD Harmeyer