Weekly ‘Who Said It’ Quiz: July 21, 2016
Weekly ‘Who Said It’ Quiz: July 21, 2016
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings the week of July 18, 2016
Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It” quiz to match the phrase to the individual, and determine just how attentive a Stern Fan you really are.
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1. “How about that Pokemon?”
High Pitch Erik
Robin Quivers
Howard Stern
Nick Cannon
2. “The violence must stop. Support the guys in blue.”
Gwen Stefani
High Pitch Erik
Sal Governale
Yucko the Clown
3. “I’m with Team Taylor.”
Marfan Mike
Nick Cannon
Mila Kunis
Fred Norris
4. “I hate seeing pear-shaped men fight.”
Howard Stern
Gwen Stefani
Richard Christy
Jason Kaplan
5. “I lost my appetite. It was f-cking filthy”
Yucko the Clown
Robin Quivers
High Pitch Erik
Gary Dell’Abate
6. “I ain’t voting until black lives matter.”
Robin Quivers
Nick Cannon
High Pitch Erik
Jon Hein
7. “It was heartbreak and it just came out of me.”
High Pitch Erik
Nick Cannon
Gwen Stefani
JD Harmeyer
8. “I’ve kissed Richard Christy’s taint…and that creeped me out.”
Sal Governale
High Pitch Erik
Gary Dell’Abate
Fred Norris
9. “I’m 14, he’s 19. I don’t know who it’s weirder for.”
Richard Christy
Nick Cannon
Gwen Stefani
Mila Kunis
10. “My favorite Pokemon are Squirtle and Tan Mom.”
JD Harmeyer
Nick Cannon
Howard Stern
Sal Governale