Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: November 11, 2016
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings from the week
November 11, 2016Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It?” quiz and match the phrase to the individual to determine just how attentive a Stern Fan you really are.
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1. “It’s a joke. It’s not a tough guy thing.”
Brent Hatley
Sal Governale
Ronnie Mund
Jason Kaplan
2. “Porn actresses can’t act that good.”
Howard Stern
Brent Hatley
Ronnie Mund
JD Harmeyer
3. “I can’t believe that my vote counts as much as Sal’s does.”
Jon Hein
Howard Stern
Fred Norris
Richard Christy
4. “I knew you wouldn’t have a big, gross, sloppy tampon. You’re a lady.” – _______ to Robin
King of All Blacks
Ronnie Mund
Howard Stern
5. “He’s a quiet cocksman.” – _______ on Steve Nowicki
Gary Dell’Abate
Howard Stern
Ronnie Mund
JD Harmeyer
6. “They won’t let me speak the truth, and I’m all about the truth.”
Brent Hatley
King of All Blacks
7. “I’m thinking and nothing is coming out.”
High Pitch Erik
Fred the Elephant Boy
Tan Mom
8. “Doritos stock would go skyrocket.”
Jeff the Drunk
High Pitch Erik
Tan Mom
Fred the Elephant Boy
9. “There’s my comment. I have nothing to say.”
Tan Mom
Steve Nowicki
High Pitch Erik
10. “I thought the lid was down and the lid wasn’t down and I played a chord with my ass.”
Richard Christy
Howard Stern
Gary Dell’Abate