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Wack Pack Presidential Poll
Wack Pack Presidential Poll
Bigfoot, Nicole Bass, Tan Mom, and more weigh in on the the election
The Reuters tracking poll is a well-respected tool used to get a sense of where American public opinion lies on a weekly basis. In order to gauge an equally telling opinion, we took three real questions used in the poll and put them to the test with the Wack Pack.
Do you think the country is on the right track or going in the wrong direction?
As it turned out, Fred the Elephant Boy was the only member of the Wack Pack who believes the country is on the right track, with 87.5 percent of the Wack Pack polled saying the country is headed in the “wrong direction.”
Bobo elaborated: “The country’s gone to shit, alright? And we need a leader and Donald Trump’s that leader. We don’t want four more years of the ‘Bama administration, which Hillary Clinton, if she gets elected, that’s what will happen. Carbon copy. Case closed.”
“Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are best friends, so there’s a mockery of our democracy. It’s a mockery,” Nicole Bass agreed.
Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Obama is handling his job?
A full 100 percent of the Wack Pack disapproved of the way President Obama is handling his job. As a point of comparison, a recent national poll showed 52 percent of Americans approving of his performance.
“I disapprove because he had so many chances to make things right and … He’s not backing up the reinforcements. He’s making pathetic judgements that are not going accurately,” Tan Mom explained.
If the election was held today would you vote for Donald Trump or Clinton?
The real Reuters poll showed 44 percent of voters choosing Clinton and 37 percent for Trump. In the Wack Pack poll, however, 37.5 percent said they would be voting for Trump and 62.5 percent admitted they would not be voting for anyone.
Fred the Elephant Boy, Wendy the Slow Adult, and Bobo are the ones who say they’ll vote for Trump, while High Pitch Erik, Gary the Conquerer, Nicole Bass, Tan Mom and Bigfoot say they won’t vote for anyone.