Howard Stern on Bob Grant: “The Greatest Broadcaster That Has Ever Lived”

The King of All Media pays his respects to one of his heroes

January 6, 2014
Photo: The Howard Stern Show


Good morning! We were back for our first shows of 2014 today.

Right off the bat Howard took some time this morning to remember a true influence and inspiration to him – New York radio host Bob Grant, who passed away recently.

Howard used to ride in the car with his father, who would listen to Bob Grant instead of talking to Howard. Though Mr. Grant didn’t know it, he was teaching a future radio icon how to keep people entertained.

Bob Grant fascinated a teenage Howard so completely that he painted a whole picture of what Grant’s life must be like off the air – he imagined a small apartment and a hotplate and no sex life.

Howard’s dad took him to a temple on Long Island where Grant was speaking and Howard sat there, listening to his radio hero with full attention.

It perplexed Howard that Grant never became a big national political talk show host like Rush Limbaugh or Bill O’Reilly.

When Howard made it big in radio, he had Bob Grant on as a guest. He was still disappointed that he didn’t tell him how he really felt about him, and thought he missed out on the opportunity to have a real mentor – and now he’ll never get the chance.

Well, maybe he will. Howard asked Sal to have the Long Island Medium convey the message to Mr. Grant as soon as possible.

Howard ended with a posthumous goodbye, calling Grant “the greatest broadcaster that has ever lived.”