Show Rundown: March 16, 2011
Steve Martin Took the Tour
Steve Martin Took the Tour
Howard started the show noting that HowardTV’s Brian Phelan had given Steve Martin a tour of the studio yesterday afternoon, so Brian came in to explain: “I was the only one here. Everybody else went out for Gary’s lunch.”
Robin snapped: “I didn’t even get invited!”
Brian shrugged: “Neither did I.”
After Jason came in to insist that Robin (but not Brian) had been invited via email–an email Robin claimed to have never received–Brian seemed despondent: “You were lucky enough to get an email.”
Brian said he showed Steve around the office and studios and ended with a look at Howard’s console–Steve was particularly surprised to learn that Howard runs his own board, mixing the show live as it airs: “He was impressed.”
Howard seemed pleased: “I’m glad Steve got to see my excellence.”