Show Rundown: November 29, 2010
Robin’s Pitch Strikes Home on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’
Gary’s Endless Book Tour
Dr. Drew Says: Don’t Be a Doctor
Dr. Drew Says: Don’t Be a Doctor
Dr. Drew stopped by to promote the new season of ‘Celebrity Rehab’ and told the crew about the hardships facing many family practice doctors: “It’s the most adulterated of all areas of the profession.”
Drew said the rising cost of malpractice insurance and attendant stress were a large part of why he left behind a more traditional means of practicing medicine: “It pushed me out a little bit.”
So when his son said he wanted to be a doctor, Drew leveled with him: “I said, ‘Make sure it’s something you’ve got to do.'”
Is ‘Celebrity Rehab’ an Abomination
Robin, still burning from her high score on Drew’s narcissism test, wondered how Drew made the leap from family practice to TV: “Don’t you think ‘Celebrity Rehab’ is kind of an abomination? It’s not real medicine. You’re not really helping anybody.”
Drew argued that he didn’t change anything for the cameras: “I do exactly what I do in my regular treatment program with my usual team. We don’t do anything different than we always do.”
On Eric Roberts, Rachel Uchitel, and Mel Gibson
Drew acknowledged that the patients on ‘Celebrity Rehab’ usually do it for the money or airtime (“That’s why they’re there.”) but most stick with the program: “I would not have predicted that.”
Howard asked why Eric Roberts had joined the cast this season, so Drew marveled at Eric’s massive marijuana habit: “Eric has had his legs knocked out from under him by pot. Oh my god–horrible pot addiction.”
Drew said Rachel Uchitel, best known as Tiger Woods’ #1 mistress, joined the cast to reconcile her love addiction: “When you see her real story and the horrible, horrible stuff she’s been through, it becomes clear…she’s chasing unavailable relationships.”
Howard asked what Drew thought of Mel Gibson, so Drew speculated: “I think I’m seeing bi-polar alcoholism…this can be dealt with. It should’ve been stopped long before it got to that point.”
Lindsay Lohan
Howard asked if Drew hoped to see Lindsay Lohan in a future season of ‘Celebrity Rehab, but Drew denied it, saying she was already seeking help: “She’s in treatment and doing well. At least she’s in a good place right now…she’s a straight-up drug addict…she will make a really wonderful recovering person one day. My fear is that something horrible, horrible is going to have to happen before she really embraces it.”