Show Rundown: July 20, 2010
Dubious Origins
John Wants to Talk About Love
High Pitch Erik Might Be Retarded
High Pitch Erik Might Be Retarded
High Pitch Erik stopped by to catch up with the crew–Howard took note of his limp: “He has a slew of problems and almost all of them are old fat lady problems.”
Howard said he wanted Erik to participate in the staff-wide IQ test and wondered if he could best K.C. Armstrong’s old score of 88: “Erik, you think you’re smarter than K.C.?”
Erik shrugged: “Maybe…I was always in special ed.”
Howard tested Erik with a sample math question: 16 plus 18. Erik blew it: “72?”
Gary told Howard he was unsure how Erik would score on the test: “He’s got major problems until it comes time to figure out how to get free shit out of people and to con them. And all of a sudden he’s not that dumb.”
Howard continued to prod, asking Erik to name a sour food. Erik–of course–went with candy: “Jolly Ranchers?”
His Female Companion Threatened
Erik stepped on the in-studio scale and weighed in at 330lbs, crediting his recent weight loss (Erik said he had gotten up to 350lbs a few months ago) to his daily lunch: a McDonalds chocolate shake and 2 apple pies.
Howard couldn’t figure out how Erik had arrived with a female companion: “Who’s that girl with you?”
Erik’s answer–another question–surprised everyone: “Remember that girl (Laura) I threatened to kill a few years ago?”
Erik said Laura started talking to him again “because I turned my life around!”
She came in to report on their bond: “We met on MySpace and just sort of started hanging out.”
Things soured when she had less time for him: “He threatened to kill me, my parents, my grandfather, my animals.”
At the feud’s height, Erik would leave her around 300-400 threatening messages a day.
Before letting Erik go, Howard noted that Erik’s XXXXL t-shirt had the same bad panther-that-looks-more-like-a-lizard design as the tattoo Ronnie got in Vegas a few years ago.