Show Rundown: June 23, 2009
The Joke You’ll Never Hear
Richard Loves Mimosas … and Brian Phelan
The (Original) Home of the Homeless Game
Joan Rivers Has No Love for Johnny Carson
Joan Rivers Has No Love for Johnny Carson
Joan Rivers stopped by to say hi and, since Ed McMahon’s death was in the news, told the crew why she left her “Tonight Show” guest-hosting gig at NBC for Fox: “Because they had a letter out that said, ‘Here are the ten people that can replace Johnny.’ And it was all men. I wasn’t on it.” Joan said she never felt supported by Johnny Carson: “Johnny was very vindictive…he was a killer. That’s why he got what he got.”
Joan revealed that her most recent relationship, to an unnamed 75-year-old, ended over the weekend: “I got dumped again last Sunday.” Howard asked if she was lonely, and Joan joked: “Only when I’m having an MRI…it was nice to have someone pick up the check.” Joan confessed that it was almost necessary, as she’s going broke: “I have a great life, but I live very high.”
Joan’s Grandson is Not Her Favorite
Joan told a story about her grandson, Cooper, not knowing he was Jewish: “He called me a big fat Jew pig.” Howard asked Joan to make Sophie’s Choice between her daughter and Cooper, and Joan was definitive: “Melissa. Isn’t that terrible?”
Howard thought the decision was interesting, as Melissa frequently (and publicly) voices her anger with Joan over a nosejob Joan forced her to get at the age of 18. Joan shrugged it off: “She’s furious about it…if I had been a stranger and done it, she would’ve said, ‘This wonderful woman.'”