Show Rundown: August 18, 2008
George Takei is Sitting in All Week
No ‘H’ For You
Sal Takes Refuge in a Stripclub
George Considers a Pre-Nup
Miss HowardTV September
Don’t Mess With This Midget
Jeff the Drunk Loses Another Friend
Robin’s Love Connection
Robin’s Love Connection
August 18, 2008
Howard asked Robin if she’d spoken with Mark, the guy who came in last week to ask her out, and Robin confessed that she had called him: “We talked for maybe 5 minutes.” Robin continued, repeatedly emphasizing the “maybe”s: “We did talk about maybe getting together…I said I’d call him again when I have some time.” Howard wondered if Robin had touched herself while thinking about Mark, but she claimed she had not (thought of Mark while she was pleasuring herself recently). Howard was doubtful: “I don’t believe that for a minute.”