Show Rundown: Monday, January 30, 2006
The Poster Boy of Unattractiveness
Kicking Back in Mexico
Reasons for His Feelings
Booey Makes a Pal
Do the Right Thing
Dinner with the Stars
A Rose By Any Other Name…
Time Heals All Wounds
More to the Story
A JD in the Making
Cleanliness is in the Air
Porn 101 with Profs. Richard and Sal
Showing His True Colors
Danny Bonaduce Shows How to Be a Macho Man
Danny Bonaduce Shows How to Be a Macho Man

When Danny Bonaduce, who’ll be hosting his own show every day this week from 1-4PM on Howard100, came into the studio, Howard assured him that his program on SIRIUS would be the best radio experience he’s ever had. Howard then mentioned that Danny was in an accident a few months ago, but that he ripped off the casts he had on his arms, despite the fact that his arms were broken. Danny responded that he didn’t “rip off” the casts, but instead cut them off and that he did so because he didn’t like the attention they were bringing him. After explaining that his arms were “filled with steel” which was helping to correct his broken bones, Danny went on to reveal that he plans to start taking steroids again when his body mends.