Show Rundown: October 25, 2017
Cock Jeopardy Contestants Share Their Own Personal Penis Injury Stories
Gary Dell’Abate Brings a Bag of Shrimp for Lunch … But That’s Not the Only Thing He’s Eating While at Work
Richard Christy Consults His Dad for Parenting Tips
Richard Christy Consults His Dad for Parenting Tips
“Back then there wasn’t no paternity leave,” the elder Kansan recalls
Richard Christy will soon officially be a father with Carson Cain Christy due to pop out around Halloween. As such, the Stern Show staffer recently consulted his own dad to glean a few parenting tips from the man who raised him.
First, Richard wanted to know if his father took any paternity leave when he was born. Unlike Stern Show staffer Shuli Egar, who took a full month of paternity leave when his child was born, Richard’s dad did not. “Back then there wasn’t no paternity leave,” the elder Christy explained. “I might’ve got off the day you were born or something … they probably didn’t pay me.”
Though Dr. Drew might contend otherwise, Richard’s dad explained that, when it came to potty training, Richard was “house trained.”
“You potty trained yourself, but outside,” Mr. Christy recalled. “You’d go outside and pee and poop outside. You didn’t use a damn bathroom.” He said their neighbor would even call to report on Richard’s habits.
Eventually Richard’s mother made him stop pooping—but not peeing—outside, as she was the one who had to pick it up.
Surprising no one, Richard’s dad also revealed he never had the sex talk with his son. “Bees buzz and birds sing is probably all I told you,” he said.
With his friend and coworker Sal Governale known to give passionate speeches opposing circumcision, Richard inquired as to why his father decided to circumcise him despite being uncircumcised himself.
“It was a lot of trouble,” Richard’s dad explained. “Everything gets under that wrap. Hell, when I was in Vietnam, everything got under there. I couldn’t clean it and, hell, I’d get infections in it and everything. You get that, what is it, butter? They call it butter in there?” he asked his son.
“Cheese,” Richard corrected him.
“I’ll tell you, when I was in Vietnam, stinky, stinky, stinky,” the war veteran continued.
Howard marveled at the honest answer. “I’ve heard a lot of Vietnam horror stories. That might be the worst,” he commented.
At the end of their call the two shared a heartwarming moment as Richard thanked his father, who responded, “I know you’ll be a good daddy.”