VIDEO: Gary Dell’Abate Confesses to Defecating in a Chinese Food Takeout Container
“They needed a stool sample and they don’t send you anything,” the Stern Show’s executive producer explains
January 14, 2021Gary Dell’Abate made a startling, on-air confession Tuesday morning while addressing a rumor involving feces and the creative reuse of a takeout food container.
“Didn’t you have to do a stool sample this past summer and you shit in a Chinese soup container?” Howard asked him.
“I did,” the longtime executive producer responded, explaining the incident happened while he was suffering from “stomach issues” and needed to undergo some lab tests. “They needed a stool sample and they don’t send you anything.”
Gary was in a rush to get his sample to the lab before it closed, so he was forced to find something around the house to defecate into and ultimately settled on a pint-sized soup container which had come with a recent Chinese food order. He admitted hitting the target was trickier than he expected.
Howard and co-host Robin Quivers had several follow-up questions.
“Was it steamy?” Robin asked.
“It wasn’t a big enough piece,” Gary assured her. “It was a little piece … probably about three-inches long but tiny—it wasn’t like a fat piece.”
“It was skinny like a Tootsie Roll?” Howard wondered.
“Imagine if you put three Tootsie Rolls and you put them all together,” Gary responded.
Delivering a stool sample in a takeout container may be undignified, but Gary said taking ownership over his creation proved to be even more embarrassing. “The worst part of it is you put the top on a container, and it’s sealed now, and then I get this piece of masking tape, and then I write my name on it and my birthday,” he lamented.