Medicated Pete Fulfills His Dream of Visiting a Nude Beach
“He got there and just dropped his pants … I’m jealous of Pete’s d-ck,” Stern Show staffer recalls
November 1, 2022
Medicated Pete’s large penis has given him everything from his own radio show to accolades from the likes of JD Harmeyer but at least one thing has always evaded him – fulfilling his dream of showing off at a nude beach. Until recently, that is.
On Tuesday, as Howard played audio, Stern Show staffers Sal Governale and Wolfie recalled their visit to a New Jersey nude beach with the endowed Wack Packer – something that’s been on Pete’s bucket list for quite a while. “It’s always been a dream of mine to be at a nude beach and show my big penis because I get a thrill and … I think the women would love it and admire the big thickness of it,” he told the staffers. “I think having it all out there is a perfect way to get a response like that.”
Right off the bat, co-host Robin Quivers found Pete’s fantasy to be peculiar. “There have been nude beaches — it’s not like it’s a new thing,” she pointed out, adding, “And Pete somehow still never got there, it was like a dream.”
Before arriving at the beach that day, Pete shared his ideal scenario. “I’m hoping some woman comes up to me and says, ‘I want to suck your cock,’” Pete said.
“Medicated Pete is a nudist’s worst nightmare,” Howard remarked.
Once he got there, the Wack Packer wasted no time undressing for the occasion. “He got there and just dropped his pants,” Wolfie remembered. “When he hit the sand, the pants went off.”
“Like he wanted to make a grand entrance to the beach,” Sal added.
After settling in, Pete approached some female beach goers to get a rating on his penis but, as heard in a montage, there were no takers. “Some women just waved him off,” Wolfie confirmed. “He got within feet and their hands were flailing.”
A male nudist’s reaction wasn’t much better. “It’s a five,” he said matter-of-factly when asked. “Look at it, you can see why it’s a five … there’s not much there — it needs a shave.”
“I’m jealous of Pete’s dick,” Wolfie admitted to Howard in defense of the Wack Packer. “[You] could put two of my dicks inside of Pete’s dick, it’s enormous and this guy really short-changed him.”
Fortunately, at least two sunbathers — a pair of gay men — agreed with Wolfie’s sentiment. “I’m impressed,” one of the men said before rating Pete a nine and revealing he would “party” with him and “maybe invite [him] back to a tent.”
The accolades went straight to Pete’s head — resulting in Pete getting an erection right on the spot. “Whenever there’s a sexual conversation, it doesn’t matter who it is, I get all sexually aroused,” Pete admitted.
“Pete’s dick is inches from my face, and I noticed he kept pulling the towel up,” Wolfie recalled to Howard. “He had such a huge boner the second they complimented him —the thing just like grew.”