Show Rundown: November 18, 2005
Sirius Support
Sirius Support
The show started with Howard thanking Robin for accompanying him to his appearance on “Late Show with David Letterman” yesterday. Robin pointed out that there was a great deal of excitement in the building when Howard arrived, and she was happy to be a part of it. Howard agreed that there was a lot of hoopla surrounding his appearance, and played a story CBS News did about the event.
After the clip, Howard noted that, since Dave is on CBS, and that since the station that did the story on his appearance was CBS, it’s clear the company itself doesn’t have a problem with him promoting SIRIUS, and that only one part of the company seems to have an issue with it. Howard again mentioned that Tom is still so worried about his move to satellite that he won’t allow him to do the cliffhanger bit he had planned for his final broadcast.