Show Rundown: March 15, 2007
The Morning Chew: Howard Discusses an Array of Topics
Star Maker: Larry Pierce Is Close to Record Deal After Stern Show Appearance
Richard’s Nervous Character & Spotting Cancer Early
Bianca Will Respond to Any Name You Call
Bianca Will Respond to Any Name You Call
March 15, 2007
The topic of Angelina Jolie’s newest adoption came up, and Howard pointed out she was renaming her child, even though he was 3 years old.
This led Robin to say she recently adopted cats whose names she changed as well, and Howard added Bianca was originally named Reba before he and Beth decided on her current name.
However, Howard also noted he thought Bianca would respond to any name he gave her after a week, reporting he started referring to her as Eileen just this past week without her missing a beat.