Show Rundown: July 19, 2010
Howard Goes to Temple
Stern Show Staffers Complete Their I.Q. Tests
Stern Show Staffers Complete Their I.Q. Tests
Howard surveys the bets riding on the scores
July 19, 2010
Early in the show on Monday, Gary Dell’Abate told Howard he was wrong to worry about the staff I.Q. test. “I nailed the spatial stuff … the only part that might have been an issue is the definitions,” he said.
Howard then surveyed the bets riding on the test’s results. Gary bet Howard $500 that Richard Christy would score higher than Sal Governale. Howard bet Robin $1,000 that Scott DePace would beat Jason Kaplan and another $500 with Robin that Scott DePace would beat JD Harmeyer. “I think I’m safe on that. Maybe I’ll get $500 back from you,” he said.