Show Rundown: June 21, 2011
Howard Packs Up
Get Well, Guitar God
Sal Misquotes Himself
Steve Langford’s Top 3 Journalists
At Home with Sour Shoes
Vinnie Favale Has Kidney Stones
It’s Game Time: ‘Who Would Little Lupe Rather?’
Jeff the Drunk Turns Down Sex
Jeff the Drunk Turns Down Sex
June 21, 2011

Jeff the Drunk called in to say he wouldn’t be taking up Tabitha Steven’s offer of on-camera anal sex: “Because I’ve decided not to f’ing do it, ok?”
At first, Jeff blamed the cameras (“I’m not a porno guy…I do not want to be on film.”), so Robin asked what he was afraid of: “Are you going into politics?”
Jeff then confessed his real reason–Tabitha’s decade-long claim that he’d been unable to perform last time: “She kept that story going for ten years–that I didn’t get hard. And now, all of a sudden, ‘Oh yeah, it was hard.’ F’ that.”