Show Rundown: Wednesday January 22, 2014
Benjy Bronk and Gary Dell’Abate Clash Over Birthday Bash Invites
Benjy Bronk and Gary Dell’Abate Clash Over Birthday Bash Invites
Staffer puts Howard in an awkward situation after going over Gary's head
The past few weeks have caused Wack Packers and celebrities, fans and super fans, even cats and dogs to call begging for tickets to the Birthday Bash. In fact, tickets to Howard’s incredible Birthday Bash are so exclusive that Stern Show staffers don’t even get to bring their wives or significant others.
Stern Show writer Benjy Bronk, however, has a problem with this rule. He thinks that his girlfriend is so special that she should be allowed to come with him – even though the longest-tenured staffer Fred Norris is not bringing his beautiful wife, Allison.
Benjy has repeatedly brought this up with his boss, Gary Dell’Abate, begging him and pleading with him to get his girlfriend a ticket. Gary explained that there isn’t any room for her, and then told Benjy to stop bringing it up. Benjy refused to take no for an answer.
Finally, Benjy did what a staffer is never supposed to do. Not only did he go over his boss Gary Dell’Abate’s head and appeal directly to Howard, but he did it on the air this morning, trying to corner Howard, and get him to agree.
Howard insisted that he didn’t want to talk to Benjy about it, but Benjy kept trying.
Finally, at the end of the show, Howard briefly let Benjy speak. Benjy started explaining that she should be allowed to come because she’s important to the show and because she’s been his girlfriend for a year.
Gary had had it. He dashed into the studio and didn’t even wait for Howard to pod the mic up before yelling expletives at at Benjy.
Benjy defied Gary’s and Howard’s wishes (as he’s done many, many times) and Gary snapped (which he rarely does). Howard declared that Benjy was making him uncomfortable and he ended the fight.
With Benjy unlikely to start taking “no” for an answer any time soon, we will stay tuned for more of … whatever this is.