Show Rundown: Monday February 22, 2016
Show Rundown: Monday February 22, 2016
Richard and Wolfie report on Wing Bowl, High Pitch Erik weighs in, and Howard celebrates 30 years of Scott the Engineer ... sort of.
Good Morning Everybody!

After two weeks away from the studio, Howard was surprised by all that had changed – namely that SiriusXM’s LGBT channel, OutQ, had been cancelled.
In other news over the vacation, Robin travelled to Europe. “I went to Paris and London,” she told listeners. Howard, meanwhile, just wanted to be “left alone.” He spent two weeks doing nothing — even forgoing a planned trip to Florida.
Robin said she really felt that Howard was missing out on the beauty of the world. She even sent him a letter explaining why after being inspired by sitting in the Paris Opera House.
Grammy Impressions
“The Grammys occurred, which I did manage to watch several days later,” Howard told Robin, who had yet to watch the awards show herself.
Some favorites from the evening included the tribute to Maurice White of Earth, Wind, and Fire by Stevie Wonder and Pentatonix, as well as the Eagles and Jackson Browne’s tribute to Glenn Frey.

“The whole dynamic was just great,” Howard remarked. He also loved Chris Stapleton’s performance.
Richard came in and explained that he doesn’t typically watch the Grammys since they don’t pay proper respect to metal.
Bobo called in and wondered what Howard thought about Sir Paul McCartney getting turned away at the door from Tyga’s after-party.
“It’s good for him to be turned down at a Grammy party … It humbles you,” Howard mused. One of the best parts about McCartney is that he’s a really nice guy, and Howard quipped that he thought getting snubbed once in a while is good to keep his ego in check.
Howard’s Night Terrors

Despite having no memory of it himself, Howard recounted a scary situation that sent Beth Stern running out of her bedroom recently. It seems Howard experienced some sort of a night terrors that caused him to scream and flail about uncontrollably.
“I sounded like a maniac,” he told listeners. Apparently both Howard’s father and grandfather were known to do the same thing from time to time. “My mom told me it’s a release of stress,” he explained incredulously.
Wolfie Wolfowitz at Wing Bowl 24

Howard got Stern Show correspondent Wolfie on the phone later in the morning to offer commentary on the dozens of amazing clips he recorded at the wild Wing Bowl 24 event in Philadelphia.
Richard Christy was also at Wing Bowl (for pleasure, not business) and reportedly vomited while taking in the event in a luxury suite. Richard came in to clarify that he didn’t puke from alcohol consumption – it was instead from the scene of everyone else puking at the event.
Nonetheless, the beer aficionado and his wife had a ball. “I had a blast! I want to do it every year,” he told Howard. They even ventured into a strip club for a few hours afterwards together.
Aside from the wildly racist and sexist responses Wolfie and Stern staffer Steve Nowicki captured from event-goers, there were some pretty amazing responses from the events janitors.
“What’s the worst thing you saw?” Wolfie asked one man working the facilities.
“Shit all around the urinals … sometimes shit on the wall,” the man answered. I couldn’t even fantom [sic] the smell.”
Richard and Wolfie also recounted the stories of two people who got kicked out of the event – one who threw a beer bottle at the face of a Dallas Cowboys fan and another who was deemed “too drunk” … but proceeded to drive home.
“They told me to leave because they couldn’t handle me,” the latter screamed.
Read about all of Richard’s experiences in his blog post here.
Flat Ronnie Remains in Quarantine

In more bad news, Howard received a clip of High Pitch Erik seeming to threaten Gonzo Shitcock on a podcast.
“Gonzo and I are tight – we’re like brothers,” Erik tried to explain. But Howard remained unconvinced. The Wack Packer’s forfeited Flat Ronnie will officially remain in quarantine for a while longer while Erik learns his lesson.
Fred the Elephant Boy, who has been provoking Erik on Twitter even after the Special People’s Court verdict, called in to try and convince Howard that he was not a bully.
Gary said he’s known Fred for a long time and really wonders why he doesn’t just leave Erik alone online.
Fred promised to try his hardest to completely leave his fellow Wack Packer alone … but only time will tell.
New York Post to Feature Ronnie Mund

Later in the show Howard revealed that the New York Post contacted them to do a feature interview with Ronnie The Limo Driver Mund.
No one is quite sure what the article will be about, but Ronnie assured Howard that “supposedly, it’s supposed to be positive.”
The journalist sat for two hours with Ronnie and also spent time with other members of the staff to get insight into Howard’s longtime limo driver.
“He was a little aggressive,” Ronnie explained. Originally the piece was set to run on Valentine’s Day, but the Post wanted it to run when Howard was on the air it would seem, so they pushed it to the 21st, and now even later.
Ronnie also recounted how the day the guy came to interview him, they were supposed to being taping the Three Way Valentine’s Day Special, but Tan Mom failed to show up, so they ended up having to record it a week later.
Howard Relents One Final Time

Listeners may remember a couple of months back when a caller named Laura begged and pleaded with Howard to let her sit in on a live show with her husband who had recently lost both of his brothers to ALS and pancreatic cancer respectively. Though Robin and Gary initially prodded Howard to turn her down at the time since they receive similar calls routinely, it seems Howard could not ultimately shut her down completely.
Laura and her husband Kevin sat in during the final moments of the show this morning and were beyond honored for the experience.
Howard did proclaim with peace and love though that “after today, there is no coming down to the studio because of personal tragedy.”
Laura, who was physically shaking in the King of All Media’s presence chanted: “We’re not worthy; we’re not worthy.”
Robin Song: ‘Robin’s Tits Are Black’ (by Stripez)
Richard Christy Reports From Wing Bowl 24
High Pitch Erik Gains Weight
High Pitch Erik Gains Weight
The Wack Packer appeared in studio to settle a bet with Gary.

High Pitch Erik came to the studio this morning to be weighed after betting Gary $50 he could lose 20 lbs. in the past few weeks.
Before Erik even walked into the studio, Gary reported that he was wearing “a tank top where his whole belly is exposed.”
Within a second of looking at him nearly everyone could tell that he most certainly hadn’t lost much weight if any – and he may have even gained weight.
Last time Erik was in he weighed 407 lbs. making him eligible to win the bet with Gary if he weighed 382 lbs. or less. At first he only stepped onto the scale with one foot, leaving the staff surprised as the dial wound up to around 360, but once he stepped on all the way it skyrocketed to 413. That means Erik officially gained weight instead of losing it.
“The fact that you can walk is a miracle,” Howard remarked.
“There’s a company that’s going to help me lose weight,” Erik immediately told Howard. Apparently accompanying High Pitch to the show this morning was former NFL player Brandon Mason who now has a company called

Mason said he was dedicated to helping Erik lose 100 lbs. within six months. Howard, Robin, and Gary tried to talk the unsuspecting trainer out of it, recounting all of Erik’s past attempts at dieting and his near-certain requests for money, food, and favors that will soon be directed at Brandon. And then there will be the incessant phone calls.
“It’s going to be a disaster,” Howard told him.
Brandon stayed strong in his commitment until the conversation turned to Erik’s preference to be stretched while wearing minimal clothing. Howard surmised that Erik was just doing this because he found Brandon attractive.
While Erik remained steadfast in his love for only Donnie Wahlberg, he did offer his own guess as to how big Brandon’s penis was: 9 inches. Donnie’s, meanwhile, Erik thought was closer to 11 inches.
All jokes aside, Gary offered Erik an deal he couldn’t refuse: If Erik could lose the 100 lbs. in six months he’d pay him $500. If Erik loses, he would only have to pay Gary $100.
“Hey Joey Boots, if you’re listening, no more sushi buffets!” Erik proclaimed.

Good luck to both High Pitch and Brandon Mason.