Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: September 16, 2016
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: September 16, 2016
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings from the week
Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It?” quiz and match the phrase to the individual to determine just how attentive a Stern Fan you really are. As a bonus, see if you did better than Bobo, who also took this quiz!
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1. “You always get into weird shit.” – ________ on Robin.
Howard Stern
Fred Norris
Gary Dell’Abate
Sal Governale
2. “Hello! You never saw a bowl sink? What the f*ck, man?”
Benjy Bronk
Fred Armisen
Ronnie Mund
Richard Christy
3. “The whole show was a nightmare for me.” – _____ on the fateful Long Island comedy show.
JD Harmeyer
Shuli Egar
Sal Governale
Ronnie Mund
4. “My wife is snoring like a goat and I’m like, ‘You know what? I have to toss one off.'”
Howard Stern
Gary Dell’Abate
Sal Governale
Jason Kaplan
5. “You know what I think the greatest is? This macaroni and cheese.” – Prince, via __________
Fred Armisen
Bill Hader
Seth Myers
Pete Yorn
6. “I was having major anxiety that night from him being drunk onstage.” – ______________ on Sal.
Shuli Egar
Ronnie Mund
JD Harmeyer
Will Murray
7. “Yeah, my bathroom is fucking clean.”
Howard Stern
Sal Governale
Ronnie Mund
JD Harmeyer
8. “I think it was easy to be Prince; I think it was probably really hard to be Prince’s assistant.”
Seth Myers
Bill Hader
Howard Stern
Fred Armisen
9. “When you said we were approved, I thought ‘Oh, they really have fallen on hard times.” – __________ on Miss America press credentials
Robin Quivers
Howard Stern
Benjy Bronk
Gary Dell’Abate