Show Rundown: October 19, 2016
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Ronnie Goes Behind Howard’s Back, Tries to Book New Stars of Satellite Radio Show
Ronnie Goes Behind Howard’s Back, Tries to Book New Stars of Satellite Radio Show
Brent Hatley heard everything … and he has the notes to prove it

A new feud was brought to light on Wednesday’s Stern Show between Ronnie “the Limo Driver” Mund and Brent Hatley. Something else brought to light: Ronnie is still trying to make the Stars of Satellite Radio tour happen, despite Howard saying on air he wanted those shows shut down. Executive producer Gary Dell’Abate was the first to inform Howard of Ronnie’s plans, but it was Brent who shared all of the details of a conversation he caught between Ronnie and Sal Governale.
“Sal was the voice of reason in this conversation, which is why it was so bizarre to listen to,” Brent told Howard, explaining how he overheard a 20-minute exchange of Ronnie yelling at Sal, telling him he would be able to convince Howard to allow them to put on another Stars of Satellite Radio show.
“I can’t stand fucking people who eavesdrop … like little pussies!” Ronnie yelled.
Brent wasn’t just listening, though. He was writing down everything he heard. Howard read all of Brent’s notes on air, including allegations of Ronnie repeatedly called Sal a “cunt” for not wanting to arrange a new show.
“Ronnie says he can get it approved ‘point blank,'” Howard said on air, reading what Brent jotted down during the conversation. “Point blank – that’s what it says here.”
Howard continued, reading that a club owner reached out and offered to host a Stars of Satellite Radio show. Ronnie assured Sal they wouldn’t get in trouble, but Sal stood firm on not doing it.
“Don’t come near me, man, because I won’t talk to you at all,” Ronnie said to Brent. “I fucking hate rats.”
Howard doesn’t consider Brent a rat – he considers him a hero. “Brent’s my security guy, not you,” Howard told Ronnie. “Brent tells me things. You don’t tell me anything. You’re plotting against me!”
Howard’s drive home might be awkward today now that Ronnie’s secret plan has been revealed, but it probably won’t be nearly as awkward as the time Howard had to tell Ronnie to take off all of the Playboy logos and decals from his limousine. “The napkins had Playboy bunnies, there were Playboy bunny glasses and Playboy mud flaps,” Howard remembered of the first time Ronnie drove him in his limo. “And then on his license plate he had a Playboy bunny.”
Robin recalled not being bothered by all of the Playboy items inside of the car, but the insignias on the outside definitely bothered her. Howard had to work up the courage to tell him how embarrassing it was to have those on his limo.
“I go, ‘Well maybe you can tone it down,'” Howard said, but the Playboy bunnies stayed. It wasn’t until Howard went on the air and complained that Ronnie finally removed them from the car.
At that point, Robin pointed out, Ronnie wasn’t exclusively working for Howard.
“He picked up other people, Howard. He picked up women,” Robin said. “Can you imagine … you’re a woman, a businesswoman, and there’s Playboy stuff all over the car!” Howard believes Ronnie may have even driven Henry Kissinger in his limousine, but Ronnie denied having the Playboy bunnies on his car at that time.
Despite having this discussion already, Howard reminded Ronnie he needs him to act professional in the office. He also suggested Ronnie try to be “stealth,” like action hero Jason Statham.
“Be like him. That guy doesn’t even talk in the fucking movies,” Howard said.
“Oh, he speaks very well. I met him out here in the hall,” Ronnie told Howard. According to Ronnie, the movie star was up at SiriusXM and was taking photos in the lobby when Statham stopped him and said he was a huge fan.
“He grabbed me and says, ‘Ronnie the Limo Driver, that’s you? I’m the biggest fucking fan of you,'” Ronnie recalled. Howard couldn’t help but let out a laugh. Jason isn’t Ronnie the Limo Driver’s only admirer, however – Brent recently witnessed Ronnie answering some of his fan mail.
“He had two very nice fan letters,” Brent said. Ronnie, once again enraged, explained he was writing back to someone who sent in something nice.
“He’s looking over my fucking shoulder, reading the fucking thing, so he can write his fucking notes up,” Ronnie said.
“‘Dear Tony from Attica,'” Sal joked.
Finally, it was revealed Ronnie gave his barber an autographed photo to hang up in his shop. In addition to his name, Ronnie signed his headshot “Fuck the Barber.”
“It doesn’t even make sense,” Howard said.
“Anything for fame,” Robin said.