Show Rundown: November 9, 2016
‘Donald Trump’ and ‘Bernie Sanders’ Discuss Outcome of Historic Election
‘Donald Trump’ and ‘Bernie Sanders’ Discuss Outcome of Historic Election
Anthony Atamanuik and James Adomian sound off on the Supreme Court nominee short list and JD Harmeyer's punishment
November 9, 2016

To celebrate his election victory, “Donald Trump” (impressionist Anthony Atamanuik) squared off against would-be political foe “Bernie Sanders” (James Adomian) on Wednesday morning and clarified some of his important policy points ahead of taking control of the White House.
Listen below to hear who is on the short list of Supreme Court nominees, if there are still plans for a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, and how JD Harmeyer will be punished for his vocal opposition to the Trump campaign.
Supreme Court Nominee Short List
Is The Wall Still Being Built?
What Will Happen to JD Harmeyer?
Also Check Out: ‘Donald Trump’ and ‘Bernie Sanders’ Debate the Issues: ISIS, Executive Orders, and Robin Quivers’ Breasts