Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: December 9, 2016
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: December 9, 2016
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings from the week
Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It?” quiz and match the phrase to the individual to determine just how attentive a Stern Fan you really are.
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1. “It’s like Howard 102 over there.” – ________ on Rapaport’s SiriusXM show
Howard Stern
Jon Hein
Jason Kaplan
Will Murray
2. “At first I thought it was cool and then I thought it was fucked up.”
Richard Christy
Ronnie Mund
Sal Governale
Kevin Nealon
3. “Really? Racist pants shitters?”
Robin Quivers
Howard Stern
Gary Dell’Abate
4. “I shaved for this, too.”
Howard Stern
Sal Governale
Kevin Nealon
Richard Christy
5. “He hasn’t been able to act on it, but yeah, he’s gay.” – ________ on Richard
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
Ed Torian
Sal Governale
6. “I want to be your wife.” – _____ to Howard
Sal Governale
Richard Christy
Kevin Nealon
Michael Rapaport
7. “If Jason is the commissioner of this league, I will quit.”
Gary Dell’Abate
Will Murray
Michael Rapaport
Jon Hein
8. “You won the popular vote, you just didn’t win the election.” – ______ to Matthew Berry
Robin Quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
Howard Stern
Jason Kaplan
9. “You would be the worst therapist, by the way.” – ________ to Howard
Kevin Nealon
Michael Rapaport
George Takei
Robin Quivers
10. “He is the Tiger Woods of our league.” – ________ on Matthew Berry
Gary Dell’Abate
JD Harmeyer
Will Murray
Michael Rapaport