Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: August 18, 2017
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: August 18, 2017
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings from the week
Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It?” quiz and match the phrase to the individual who said it to determine just how attentive a Stern Fan you really are!
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1. “‘What’s that? A second cup of coffee? … Isn’t your stomach going to be upset?'” — Howard recalling what ________ said to him
Robin Quivers
Gary Dell’Abate
Will Murray
Sal Governale
2. “I’ll be buried with this … Honest to god, I got so tired of shaving every day.” ______ on deciding to not shave his beard
David Letterman
JD Harmeyer
Benjy Bronk
Mick the Nerd
3. “You barked it, you barked it at her.” ________ after witnessing Ronnie Mund give only his last name while checking in on a movie set
Jason Kaplan
Shuli Egar
Richard Christy
Memet Walker
4. “It was such a great experience … It’s a body high. You start to feel the music.” ________ on attending a concert recently after eating 15 gummies
Brent Hatley
Howard Stern
Robin Quivers
JD Harmeyer
5. “The biggest mistake I made was delaying having a family.” ______ on wishing they’d had kids sooner
Gary Dell’Abate
David Letterman
Jon Hein
Sal Governale
6. “I’m stroking her tongue … and maybe she’s holding on, hovering over me, holding my shoulders.” ________ describing his unique sexual fantasy
High Pitch Erik
Ronnie Mund
Ass Napkin Ed
Jeff “the Vomit Guy” Levy
7. “I couldn’t even get it out of the box.” ________ describing a huge gift from Howard
David Letterman
Robin Quivers
Fred Norris
Wendy the Slow Adult
8. “I’m still not a big Broadway person but the show was entertaining.” _______ ‘s rave review of Bette Midler and “Hello, Dolly”
Howard Stern
Jason Kaplan
JD Harmeyer
Will Murray
9. “I did bring different hats with me and they just said, ‘Wear that one.'” __________ telling Howard about shooting a recent film.
Ronnie Mund
Benjy Bronk
Gary Dell’Abate
Richard Christy