Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: October 6, 2017
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: October 6, 2017
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings from the week
Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It?” quiz and match the phrase to the individual who said it to determine just how attentive a Howard Fan you really are!
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1. “When I get to see him it’s such a great treat and we look forward to it … This works for us.” ________ describing her long-distance relationship with her famous boyfriend
Miley Cyrus
Sarah Silverman
Whitney Cummings
Robin Quivers
2. “I can’t believe what a baby you are.” _________ after Ronnie Mund threatened to block him on Twitter
Brent Hatley
High Pitch Erik
3. “You’re not the only one. I need money … I can’t send you no five bucks.” __________, the latest Wack Packer to refuse to lend Howard any money
Gary the Conqueror
Sour Shoes
Angry Alice
4. “I miss weed but I don’t smoke weed – this is the longest I’ve gone without smoking weed.” _______ on giving up marijuana for eight months
Miley Cyrus
Sarah Silverman
Jason Kaplan
Jeff the Drunk
5. “The end of his brush is very sloppy.” __________ while refereeing the cock fight between Sal and Richard
Ronnie Mund
JD Harmeyer
Jon Hein
Gary Dell’Abate
6. “I get very excited to see flaccid penises. I know this sounds crazy, but women, we never get to see those.” ___________ after watching the Sal and Richard cock fight
Robin Quivers
Whitney Cummings
Tan Mom
Mariann From Brooklyn
7. “I’m very excited that you’re celebrating one of our greatest body parts and I look forward to what the month brings to all of us.” __________ calling in to kick off the start of Cocktober
Andy Cohen
George Takei
Neil Patrick Harris
Perez Hilton
8. “I was doing sit-ups in front of the mirror with no underwear on.” ___________ describing why they got in trouble while working out at the gym
Whitney Cummings
JJ Knight
Richard Christy
Sal Governale
9. “Literally, the only reason I’m not touring is because of those fucking pigs. That’s how much I love those pigs.” ________ on staying home with their pet pigs
Howard Stern
Sarah Silverman
Miley Cyrus
Whitney Cummings