Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: December 15, 2017
Weekly ‘Who Said It?’ Quiz: December 15, 2017
Test your knowledge of Howard Stern Show happenings from the week
Sure, you heard every second of the Stern Show this week, but how closely were you really listening? Take our “Who Said It?” quiz and match the phrase to the individual who said it to determine just how attentive a Howard Fan you really are!
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1. “But as a man what he taught me … you have to go through things. You have to see for yourself.” _______ on the relationship he had with his father growing up
Kendrick Lamar
Alec Baldwin
Donnie Wahlberg
Howard Stern
2. “It has a fucking Santa Claus thing on it with candy canes and shit and everything so, leave me alone.” _______ defending his inflatable Christmas dragon decoration in his front yard
Sal Governale
Ronnie Mund
Brent Hatley
Benjy Bronk
3. “I have a bread route, too. I deliver bread out in Queens.” _________ joking about how many projects they’re currently working on
Kendrick Lamar
Alec Baldwin
Perez Hilton
Donnie Wahlberg
4. “You learn stuff about your coworkers when you do stuff like this. Brent has a giant birthmark on his left butt cheek. It looks like it’s in the shape of an anvil.” _______ while live on the scene of Christmas Prostate Karaoke
Howard Stern
Jason Kaplan
Gary Dell’Abate
JD Harmeyer
5. “We were disinvited … to me it was ‘disinvited’ because I was dissed.” _______ after learning he would no longer get to attend JD Harmeyer’s wedding
Gary Dell’Abate
Jon Hein
Ronnie Mund
Will Murray
6. “It’s firm and supple.” _______ describing his own butt on the air at Howard’s holiday party
Donnie Wahlberg
Perez Hilton
Fred the Elephant Boy
Richard Christy
7. “I probably shouldn’t even be talking about it. … Nobody believed me then.” _______ on having an alien encounter several years ago
Kendrick Lamar
Robin Quivers
Sal Governale
High Pitch Erik
8. “It’s really nice out there. I like it. I like the weather.” _______ on why he might retire in Las Vegas in a few years
Howard Stern
Ronnie Mund
Scott Salem
Shuli Egar
9. “She grabbed the shovel first.” _______ explaining why his wife recently shoveled their driveway instead of him
Gary Dell’Abate
Jon Hein
Sal Governale
Richard Christy