Show Rundown: September 5, 2018
Did JD Harmeyer Already Break One of His Wedding Vows?
Did JD Harmeyer Already Break One of His Wedding Vows?
Howard examines the newlywed’s early-morning decision

It’s only been a few days since JD Harmeyer made things official with his fiancée in a small ceremony near Las Vegas, but Howard suspects the Stern Show staffer may have already broken one of his vows.
After struggling to communicate his feelings in a first draft of vows, JD was later able to pen a heartfelt set of promises which evoked laughter and tears from attendees at his wedding. In addition to committing to love his wife and go outside his comfort zone, JD also made a very personal vow, which was heard on tape Tuesday. “I vow to keep up my workout and eat somewhat better so I don’t, as you put it, cause you to die alone,” he told his wife.
Yet, JD’s actions on Wednesday told a very different story.
“I looked in the waste basket this morning and there was, like, an empty bag of chips and a chocolate,” Howard revealed.

“That’s my breakfast,” JD admitted, clarifying he ate a bag of chips, a Kit Kat bar, and half a bagel with vegetable cream cheese to start his day.
“Compared to what I was before, I am eating better,” he argued, though.
Robin and Howard equated his morning meal to breaking the vow, but JD insisted he was working out and still on the road to a healthier life. Plus, he added he was down to only one soda a day if he even drinks any at all.