Mariann From Brooklyn Celebrates 25 Years of Calling the Stern Show
Mariann From Brooklyn Celebrates 25 Years of Calling the Stern Show
“You’ve given me so much — I love you so much,” Wack Packer tells Howard

A particularly exuberant Mariann from Brooklyn phoned in on Tuesday to commemorate a monumental occasion — her 25th anniversary as a Stern Show caller. Or at least that’s what it sounded like to co-host Robin Quivers.
“I think you’re having an anniversary with Mariann,” Robin interpreted to Howard, who was having difficulty understanding the Wack Packer’s shrieks.
“25 years ago, I called … you picked up on me and look, we’ve had this love fest ever since,” Mariann confirmed. “Howard, you’ve given me so much — I love you so much.”
Mike Pearlman, who was at Mariann’s apartment with fellow staffer Sal Governale, was blown away by her extensive collection of Stern Show memorabilia. “It’s pretty impressive,” he marveled. “She’s got everything you ever gave her.”